Throwing Punches by Shashant Shetty - Books Venue
Meta Description The story is about two people, who are in different phases of life and discover their skills. A young woman grows up in a traditional culture, only to achieve her dreams and bring joy to those around her with her music. Available at Books Venue. Buy now at the Lowest Price Online. Introduction The book "Throwing Punches" revolves around two such people who are in different phases of life and discover their skills. Each and every one of us is gifted in our own unique way. The talent could range from sports skills to intellect, from deduction capabilities to even trivial abilities like threading a needle or whistling. And it is possible that one does not know that they possess this talent at an early age. They could be in any phase of life when they discover their gift. The question then remains: what would they do when they had that knowledge? Would they pursue...